Our community partners do much more than help build; they increase affordable homeownership
opportunities for families in need and foster safe, vibrant, and healthy neighborhoods in Elkhart County.
When you hand a first-time homeowner the keys to their new home and see the joy on their face,
that’s when you know you’ve helped make an impact that will last for generations.
Regardless of the level of involvement, each community partner’s investment of time, talent, funds
and support is invaluable to our homeowners and team.
Contact Kristin Hall at 574-533-6109 to learn about sponsorship opportunities.
2024 Partners
All of our partners are vital to our mission, and we are grateful to each one for their unique contributions.
Sustaining Sponsors
(support each home built in a given year)

Bontrager Family Foundation

Sustainers ($100,000 +)
Welch Packaging
Lippert Components
THOR Industries
Benefactors ($50,000 - $99,999)
Patrick Industries
Wieland Designs
Winnebago Industries Foundation
Brian & Lauri Smith
Crossroads United Way
Ron & Lisa Fenech Foundation
Bill & Kristin Fenech
Robert & Edna Homan
Sponsors ($25,000 - $49,999)
Connie Fulmer
Forest River
Dan & Jan Morrison
William & Rosemary Pletcher
Honeyville Metals
Charles Vetter
Patrons ($10,000 - $24,999)
Genesis Products
Bontrager Family Foundation
Karl & Kelsie Miller
Faith Community Church
John & Lisa Nussbaum
Old National Bank Foundation
Larry and Martha Johnson
Interra Cares Foundation
Doug & Lisa Gaeddert
PNC Foundation
Alliance RV
Gerald Shaffer
Michelle Howe
Ervin Bontrager
Dustin & Diane Lockwood
Thomas Langhofer
Friends ($500 - $9,999)
Five Diamonds Heating & Air
Dicor Corporation -Airxcel
John Alter
Reinsurance Group of America
Steven Aspy
Dave Carter & Associates
Adam Baker
Lake City Bank
1st Source Bank
Centier Bank
Steve Beyeler
Melissa Blosser
Lynn Blyly
Wes Bontrager
Marcus Bontrager
Bill & Shawna Born
Christopher Braun
Goshen City Church of the Brethren
Bethany Church of the Brethren
John F. and Karen L. Burnham
Germaine Burns
Cindy Burns
Steve & Lori Bustos
Waypoint Community Church
Waterford Mennonite Church
Trinity on Jackson Church
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Brian J. and Diana Clark
Elkhart Rotary Club
Crystal Valley Exchange Club
Refinery Coffee Co
IN-MI Mennonite Conference
Greg & Kathie Conrad
DJ Construction
Ancon Construction
Dometic Corp.
Exchange Club of Elkhart County
Douglas Cripe
Mary & Justin Dale
James and JoEllen Dick
Brent & Lori Diver
Kurt and Rachel Eby
First Presbyterian Church - Elkhart
Tom & Sara Elkin
L&W Engineering
Chris & Jill Erb
Don and Jurate Krabill Family
Lance Feiler
John L. and Lois Fidler
Steve and Shelly Fidler
Richard & Phyllis Fox
George & Barbara Fridley
Douglas M. and Sandra S. Friesen
James L. and Lila Gascho
Hummel Group
Don Gunden
Virginia Guttman
Kristin & Tim Hall
Brett Harbaugh
Leonard & Loanne Harms
Rick Hetler
Melanie Hire
Roger & Betty Hochstedler
Todd Holsopple
Gregory and Charlotte Hoogenboom
Richard B. and Joy B. Hostetter
Heritage Financial Group, Inc
Irions Foundation Inc.
Leatherman Supply, Inc.
Miller's Building Supply, Inc.
Palmer's Damp-Proofing, Inc.
Thomas E. and Jennifer Irions
Philip Jantz
Frank Karafa
Kary Katzenberger
Trent & Crystal Kauffman
Nathan and Angela King
Joanna King
Karl L. and Karen M. Kingsley
April Klein
Christine Kralovansky
Mark Kritzman
Maurice & Carol Lehman
Gary and Ann Linley
Kent Litwiller
Kelly Luna
Kenny MacMaster
Vista Manufacturing
James & Audra Mark
Gwendolyn Mayberry
Braden & Katie McCormick
Mark McKee
Todd & Jennifer Meier
Lance Miller
Marvin D. and Sally J. Miller
Shawn & Kathleen Miller
Mary Ann Miller
Stephen & Becky Miller
William Mock
Mike Mohr
G. Lynn and Linda S. Morris
Justin Moyer
Brett Noneman
Kevin Park
Chester R. and Ruth A. Peachey
Eugene Phillips
John & Patty Place
Tom Pletcher
Lincoln Rassi
Elkhart County Board of Realtors
Kroger Community Rewards
Alice A. Risser
Brinkley RV
Matthew Rydson
Marvin Schmucker
Robert & Marie Schrock
Timothy Schultz
Luke Scott
Joe and Angie Shoemaker
Ryan Smith
Robert Souder
Doug Stanley
Loren Stauffer
Timothy and Donna B. Stoltzfus
Doyle & Anne Stump
Gregory & Beth Suderman
Jeremy Tallman
Rick Thacker
Brian Topping
Pro Fleet Transportation
Chief Premium Treats
Interra Credit Union
Doug VonGunten
Kathleen Wall
Karon Weaver
Crystal Welsh
Jonathan Wenger
Andrew Wesdorp
Aaron Wieand
Andrew Williams
Doug & Vicki Yoder
Tom Yoder
Timothy Yoder