Family Build
Hazwood Family
Teila Hazwood, a dedicated single mother, has two sons: Daveyon, 23, who lives independently in Ft. Wayne, and Dalynn, 15, who lives with her in a third-floor apartment. Living with asthma, Telia finds the daily climb challenging, and the annual rent increases have made her financial situation increasingly difficult.
Teila has worked for the Elkhart Community School Corporation for nine years, most recently with ESL students, a role she is passionate about. Originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, she moved to Elkhart after graduating, accompanied by her older brother.
Teila first learned about Habitat's homeownership program from a friend who had successfully gone through it. Despite being disqualified several times initially, she kept applying. Her perseverance paid off when she was finally accepted into the program in 2023. Overwhelmed with joy, she felt like her dream had come true and believed it was part of God's plan for her and her son.
The Habitat homeownership program and financial education classes taught Teila crucial lessons about saving money and maintaining a savings account. She enjoyed her "sweat-equity" hours, discovering her bravery as she climbed ladders and overcame her fear of heights. The camaraderie she found with other partner families created a supportive sisterhood that felt like family.
Owning her own home promises Teila peace, security, and financial freedom. It fulfills a long-held dream that would have been impossible without Habitat's help. Unlike rent, her mortgage payments contribute to a permanent asset. She looks forward to gardening, hosting BBQs, and providing
Dalynn a safe place to ride his bike.
Thanks to Our Sponsors
Panel Build Sponsor
Sustaining Sponsors:
Welch Packaging
Patrick Industries
Crossroads United Way
Bontrager Family Foundation
Old National Bank Foundation
Interra Foundation
Additional Partners:
Borkholder Building & Supply
Miller's Building Supply
MasterBrand Cabinets

Panel Build for this home is scheduled on June 10 at THOR Industries.
Closing October 24, 2024!