Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central and imperative for us. We believe in a world where everyone deserves a decent place to live, no matter who we are or where we come from. And we recognize that to create this world, our work must always break down barriers, bring people of all backgrounds together, and generate equity, respect, and lasting change.
In the tradition of the radical inclusivity that infused our birthplace, Koinonia Farm, Habitat leaders have committed to creating an environment where humility, open communications, dialogue, and listening are standards. As a space where all people of all races, faiths, and backgrounds come together.
Our Commitment to Racial Equality
Habitat was founded in the belief and fierce commitment to the equality of all people and its unfailing devotion to the creation of opportunity for all. The founding principles of racial justice, equal access to affordable housing, and advocacy against systemic racism continue to be the core of our work over four decades later.
"Habitat is more than a housing nonprofit. It’s a vision of a world where we share one humanity. Habitat for Humanity was born on a farm in South Georgia on the theory of radical inclusivity at a time when inclusivity was seen by some as an existential threat. It’s a vision of a world we still believe in and fight to build every day.” – Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International.
Since 1986, Habitat for Humanity of Elkhart County has built homes with partner families because we believe in a world where everyone has a decent place to call home. Bold actions speak, and we invite you to join us, working side by side with all people in need of decent, affordable housing.
-Habitat for Humanity of Elkhart County Board of Directors